Annual Board Meeting Thursday Feb 4th, 6:30-7:30PM, online via Google Meet

This will be the annual Board Meeting of the Hampton BMX Volunteers Association.  Election of the Board of Directors will take place during this meeting.  This meeting will be held online via Google Meet.  If you intend on making it to the meeting please indicate by sending us a message via SMS FB, email, or call and we will send you the link to the meeting.

We will be voting in the new Board of Directors during this meeting.  Current USABMX members whose home track is HamptonBMX or their parents can vote.

As of now the current nominations for the Board of Directors are as follows:

Track Operator: Addam Parker
President: David McDonald
Vice President: SB Smith
Treasurer: Josh Smith
Secretary: Josh Smith
Clerk of Course:
Member at Large x8:
(More than 8 can be nominated, only 8 are elected in)
1. David McDonald
2. Haylee Brown
3. Randy Brown
4. Luke Palamore
5. Tyler Young
6. Rob Poffenbarger
7. Sue Pethren
8. Larry Dunn
9. Autumn Starr
10. Glen Workman
11. Mike Records

Hope to see/hear you there!





1. The name of this organization shall be HamptonBMX Volunteers Association, Inc.


2. The organization may at its pleasure, by vote of the Board of Directors, change its name.



1. The following is the purpose for which this organization has been organized:


The corporation is a nonprofit group organized to promote, operate, and support the recreational activity of Bicycle Motocross Racing in the Hampton, Virginia area.



1. The principal office of the corporation shall be located at the residence of the corporation president.


2. The registered office of the corporation required by law is to be maintained in the State of Virginia it may be, but need not be identical with the principal office. The corporation may have other offices, within the state of Virginia, as the Board of Directors deems appropriate.



1. Members: Members of the corporation:  The Members of the Corporation shall be all local riders 13 years of age and over holding a valid license and parents of local riders who actively participate in the sport of BMX racing as sanctioned by USABMX at the Hampton BMX Track located in Gosnold’s Hope Park. All Officers, except for the President, can hold two offices concurrently.


2. Expulsion/Suspension: Any member failing to comply with the articles of incorporation, the bylaws, or the duly promulgated rules and regulations of the Corporation may be expelled or suspended. The decision to expel or suspend a member shall be made by majority vote of a quorum of the Board of Directors. The member in question shall be entitled to be heard by the Board of Directors prior to the board vote. The member shall be given not less than ten (10) no more than thirty (30) days written notice of the meeting of the Board of Directors at which the member status will be voted on.


At such time the decision is taken to expel a member then, within a reasonable amount of time, written notice is to be sent to the member and a copy of such notice forwarded to USA BMX. If the board decides to suspend a member then written notice of the suspension is to be sent to the member advising them of the length of time they are suspended and the date the suspension is to end.  A member can be suspended for a minimum of 30 days and the maximum to be at the board’s discretion.



1. General Powers:  The board of Directors will:

a. Manage the general affairs of the corporation

b. Develop annual corporation objectives

c. Approve all major expenditures in modifications to recent operations and policies


2. Number, Tenure, and Qualifications: The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers of the HamptonBMX Volunteers Association board and eight (8) members at large. Directors need not be residents of the state of Virginia. Directors shall be elected in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the articles of incorporation. Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting for a regular term of two (2) years. Each director shall hold office until expiration of his or her term and until his or her successor has been duly elected and qualified. Directors may be nominated and re-elected to succeed themselves.


3. Directors Meetings: A regular meeting of the board of directors shall be held without any other notice than these bylaws immediately after, and at the same place as, the annual meeting. Special meetings of the board of directors may be called by, or at the request of, the president or any three directors. The place of the meeting will be determined by the Corporation President.


4. Quorum: Fifty one percent (51%) of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the board. A decision of a majority of the directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the decision of the board of directors, unless a specific decision of a greater number is required by law, by the articles of incorporation, or buy these bylaws.


5. Proxy: A proxy by a director may be conveyed to another director for voting on matters brought before special meetings of the board. A handwritten, signed proxy designating the absent director’s representative and clearly stating his/her vote in any special conditions will be delivered to the Board by the proxy holder. The board may, by majority, reject the proxy and defer a vote if the nature of the business before the board has changed appreciably or if the information on issues under vote is incomplete. Proxy votes will be so noted in the boards minutes and retained on file by the Secretary.


6. Removal: Any Director may be removed by the Board of Directors whenever in its judgment the best interest of the Corporation will be served thereof. The affirmative vote of a quorum of the Directors in office shall be required to remove a Director.


7. Vacancies: Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or otherwise, maybe field by the Board of Directors, with a quorum vote, for the remaining portion of the term if the remaining term is less than one year. Otherwise, the Board of Directors may fill the position until a successor can be elected at the subsequent annual meeting.




1. All meetings shall be held at the time and place as designated in formal notice of meeting.


2. An annual meeting shall be held for the purpose of the electing officers and directors and for transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. If the day fixed for the annual meeting is unacceptable to the majority and the election of the directors is not held on that day the Board of Directors shall cause the election to be held at a special meeting as soon thereafter as is convenient.


3. Roberts rules of order will be used at all meetings







1. Officers:  The Officers of the Corporation shall be, but not limited to, a President, Vice President, Track Operator, Clerk of Course, Treasurer, and a Secretary. All Officers, except the President may hold two (2) offices concurrently.


2. Election and Terms of Office:  The Officers of the Corporation shall be elected biennially by the membership at the regular Annual Meeting of the Association. All members shall receive one (1) vote per member. If the election of officers is not made at such meeting, such election shall be held as soon as the rafter it is convenient. New offices may be created at any meeting of the board directors. Each officer shall hold office until his successor has been duly elected and qualified. If The position is vacated within the first year of the term prior to the annual meeting the board shall Point successor until one can be elected at the meeting. Officers shall be eligible to succeed themselves.


3. Removal: Any officer may be removed by the Board of Directors whenever in its judgment the best interest of the Corporation would be served thereby, but such removal shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, of the Officers so removed. Removal will require the affirmative vote of a quorum of Directors.


4. Vacancies: vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or otherwise, maybe field by the board directors for the remaining portion of the term if the remaining term is less than one year. Otherwise, the Board of Directors may fill the position until successor can be elected at the subsequent annual meeting.


5. The Responsibilities and Duties: The officers so have responsibilities and shall perform duties as specified herein and in resolutions or other directives of the Board Directors.



  1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the general membership, and the Board of Directors, function as a member of the board and represent the consensus of the corporation, when appropriate. As a member of the Board of Directors, the President may vote on matters before the board only to resolve a tie vote. The President's responsibility to cast a tie-breaking vote may not be delegated by position or proxy.


  1. Vice President: The Vice-President shall assist the President and perform the duties of the President (exclusive of tie-breaking vote) in the absence of that Officer. The Vice-President shall also act as the program coordinator for general publicity of the Corporations activities. This position carries the right to vote at all board meetings


  1. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings and other transactions/correspondence of the Corporation, provide a written report at general membership meetings, ensure arrangements are made for general membership meeting site, and prepare all correspondence to include ensuring timely notification of schedule meetings. This position carries the right to vote at all board meetings.


  1. Treasurer: The treasurer shall receive all monies of the Corporation; keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and pay upfront as authorized by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer is responsible for assuring the propriety of all fundraising activities and contractual agreement, presenting a written report of account at general membership meeting is and preparing a full report for audit each January. This position carries the right to vote at all board meetings


  1. Track Operator: It is the responsibility of the Track Operator to have the track “race” ready and safe for the riders. He/she shall arrange for the equipment necessary to conduct a race and the personnel to run the event (display sponsor banners, moto sheets, loaner bikes, helmets, etc). He is required to help establish and maintain the timetable of events. He will enlist and organize an official and volunteer staff in number that are commensurate with the size of the event.


  1. Clerk of Course: Will serve as Clerk of Course responsible for all track race day administrative needs, registration, Moto writing, race scheduling & reports, new and renewal of rider license (membership/applications). He/she will send the TORF (Track Operator Reporting Form) to USABMX office within four (4) business days of the race. He/she will serve as point of contact for all administrative needs with USABMX.


  1. All officers are responsible to advise and assist the Board of Directors on matters supporting the corporations stated purposes. Each officer will deliver to their successor all materials unique that office within 15 days after leaving office.


  1. A board member will be elected as the President of the Parents Association in order to ensure that the decisions made by the Association have a board vote.




All members of committees of this organization shall be appointed by the president and their term of office shall be a period of one year or less if sooner terminated by the action of the President.




The fiscal year of the corporation shall begin as the first day of January and end at 11:59 PM on the 31st day of December each year.




The Corporation shall keep correct and complete books and records of accounts and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Directors. All books and records of the corporation may be inspected by any director or officer or the agent or attorney of any director or officer.




  1. Contracts: The Board of Directors may authorize any officer or officers of the corporation to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the corporation. This authority and its specific purpose must be recorded in the official minutes of a regular or special meeting.


  1. Checks, Drafts, or Orders:  All check drafts or orders for the payment of money, notes, or other evidence is of indebtedness issued in the name of the Corporation, shall be signed by any TWO of the Directors not to include spouses or relatives.


  1. Deposits:


  • All funds of the Corporation shall be deposited to the credit of the Corporation in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the Board may select.


  • All funds (cash, personal checks, monies of any type) from any sponsored event shall be counted by any person, designated by one of the Directors, and verified by a second person designated by one of the Directors. Funds shall be counted and verified by the persons designated by the directors, prior to leaving the event that generated said funds. Funds will be then given to a director in the form of a deposit. The director will then facilitate the deposit of the funds, in the corporate account, within 96 hours of said event. After the funds are deposited the director will turn over a receipt of deposit to the treasurer to be recorded in the corporate books.


4. Gifts: The Board of Directors or officers may accept on behalf of the corporation, and turn over to the corporation, any contribution, gift, bequest or device for any purpose of the corporation.



These bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed and new bylaws maybe adopted by a majority of (4) four Directors present at any regular meeting or any special meeting of the Board of Directors provided formal notice is given of the intention to alter, amend, or appeal, or to adopt new bylaws as such meeting




If Hampton BMX Volunteers Association dissolves, we would like all the equipment, property, and leftover money to go to the new Association being informed or to be disbursed among all tracks in Virginia at the discretion of all current Track Operators.


These bylaws amended and accepted on this           day of                          , 2021 by:


President:                                                                                       Vice President:                                                              

Track Director:                                                                              Clerk of Course:                                                            

Treasurer:                                                                                      Secretary:                                                                       

Member at Large:                                                                        Member at Large:                                                        

Member at Large:                                                                        Member at Large:                                                        

Member at Large:                                                                        Member at Large:                                                        

Member at Large:                                                                        Member at Large: