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Contact Us
Yukon BMX Map

Taylor Park Sports Complex - 410 N 11th St
Yukon OK 73064
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Track Operator:
Austin Marvin

[email protected]

Track Operator

Track Image


  1. No fighting. (ZERO TOLERANCE)
  2. No cursing/yelling at the Volunteer track officials. (ZERO TOLERANCE)
  3. No littering.
  4. No riding without proper gear.
  5. No being rude or displaying unsportsman like activity
  6. Only Volunteers and Riders allowed on the track and in the in field during races.  If a rider is down, allow Track Volunteers to aid the rider and make a determination if medical personnel or parents are needed.
  7. No profanity or “unsportsman-like” conduct is allowed.  This applies to riders, parents, and sponsors.  Throwing equipment will not be tolerated.  Be Respectful to all.
  8. Moto corrections will be limited.  It is up to you to make sure that the information on the moto sheets is correct. 
  9. Corrections should be reported to sign-in’s within 10 minutes of moto’s being posted.  If you move up a class, it is the riders responsibility to report this to sign-in’s.
  10. There is No smoking, alcohol or animals without a leash allowed within the fenced track facility area.
  11. Do act responsibly.
  12. Do show respect to yourself and others.
  13. Do show good sportsmanship.
  14. Never look down on someone unless you are Helping them up.
  15. Look for a way to LIFT someone up, and if that is all you do, that is enough.
  16. Children are ALWAYS watching Be a good role model.
  17. We follow these rules including but not limited to USA BMX Sanctioned Rules and as the Track Operator see fit, and have the right to change or amend these at any time.
