It’s almost that time of year again. The Richmond BMX/Pedaling Innovations Flat Pedal Pro-Am returns on Sunday, June 16 with once again one of, if not THE, largest payouts in the US. Over $10,000 in cash prizes will be up for grabs with an equal payout structure for men’s and women’s opens. Flat pedals are required and no exceptions will be made for any rider. Riders age 16+ are eligible to sign up for a $30 entry fee. Online pre-sign will be required and will open up 2 weeks before the event.

As in recent years, we will have the following open events included:

  • 15+ Men's Pro-AM
  • 15+ Women's Pro-Am
  • 14 & under Boy's Dash for Cash
  • 14 & under Girl's Dash for Cash

In addition to the BIG cash prizes we'll also have some epic raffle prizes and Studio Two Three will have their mobile print studio on-site printing event tee-shirts



  • Pedaling Innovations
  • Mongoose
  • Box
  • RynoPower
  • Powers Bike Shop
  • RadShare
  • Studio Two Three
  • more TBA