Unfortunately the weather has gotten the best of us this time. Despite the efforts of many to get the facility and the track in prime condition for the weekend, we could not overcome the significant rainfall that caused temporary flooding and extensive water damage (it was MUDDY!) and a bleak weather forecast made drying those spots impossible. This was consistent with the area around the track as well. So rather than attempt to run an event in muddy wet conditions all around, its best to throw in the towel and shoot for a fresh new event.


While we are working with USABMX to finalize the reschedule, we are targeting July 9th and 10th. We will run all the same format and times. We are looking into the event order, possibly running the Gold Cup Saturday instead of Sunday.


As we finalize those plans we will announce them here an our normal social media outlets.


Again, we regret any problems our cancelations caused. We strive to make the best possible decision as soon as we can. What looked reassuring Thursday turned bleak in 36 hours.

