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Contact Us
Akron BMX Map

800 Derby Downs Drive
Akron OH 44306
View Map | Get Directions

Track Operator:
Joe Legnasky
[email protected]

Paul Priebe
Joe Legnasky

Track Image

Balance Bike Program (2-5 year old)

Akron BMX offers a Balance bike Program for riders 2 - 5 years old as they prepare their skills for main track racing.  All  riders are required to have a USA BMX Balance Bike license.  The fee for the license is $30.00 annually, but may be converted to a full license if the rider progress during the year to main track racing for an additional fee. The Balance Bike races are run at the beginning of the race program before any motos are run on the main track.  Balance Bikes, are two-wheeled bicycles with no pedals.   Only balance bikes are allowed on the Balance Bike track.  During certain times, for the safety of the riders, the Balance Bike Track is closed. Akron BMX offers racing for riders with special needs, who have an IEP or ISP on the Balance Bike track. Stop out to the track for additional information.



