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Tri-City BMX Map

520 Burdeck St
Schenectady NY 12306
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Track Operator:
Sarah Robichaud
[email protected]

sarah Robichaud

David D'Ortona
Sarah Robichaud

Track Image

Code of Conduct

Tri-City BMX promotes good conduct by all participants including riders, parents, track officials, volunteers and spectators. Appropriate conduct will provide riders with a safe athletic environment, positive role models, and a sense of community spirit throughout the facility. Tri-City BMX participants are to maintain and promote the highest standards of conduct at all times.
Everyone will:
1.     Respect all riders, parents, track officials, volunteers and spectators.
2.     Respect the property of others.
3.     Not taunt, boo, trash talk, or make negative comments about any riders, parents, track officials, volunteers and spectators.
4.     Remember that sports for children should be about having fun.
Riders will:
1.     Ride for fun.
2.     Work to improve skills, learn the sport and race by the rules.
3.     Follow track officials’ directions and instructions.
4.     Always respect riders, parents, track officials, volunteers and spectators.
5.     Give a positive high-five, handshake or say “good race” after each lap.
Parents, Spectators and Coaches will:
1.     Remember that children participate in sports to have fun and that racing is for the riders.
2.     Remember that they are supporters, not the coaches.  Please refrain from yelling instructions out onto the track.
3.     Speak to the race official in private with any concerns.
4.     Respect all riders, coaches, officials, parents and spectators at all times.
5.     Refrain from rude or obnoxious behavior or comments toward opposing riders, parents and officials.
6.     Play by the rules and not encourage any behaviors or tactics that would endanger the health and well-being of other riders.
Riders are subject to censure based on the conduct of their associated spectators, including but not limited to family members and friends.  At the discretion of the Track Operator and based on the severity of the offense, violators of these rules may be subject to any of the following:
1.     A verbal warning.  If the rider is under 18 this warning will be issued to the parent of the rider.
2.     A written warning.  Once again, if the rider is under 18, this warning will be issued by the track director to the rider and the parent to be signed and returned before the next event.
3.     Three event suspension.  This notification will be made verbally, either in person or by phone within 24 hours of the infraction.  The rider is then suspended for the next 3 regularly scheduled events.
4.     One year and/or indefinite suspension.
Any act deemed to be detrimental to the image, culture, or climate of the track, the safety of other riders, parents, track officials, volunteers and spectators, or failure to respect and/or comply with a track official’s directions or decision may result in immediate suspension at the decision of the track director.
All participants, volunteers, and/or spectators are subject to this code of conduct and recognize that they assume full responsibility for their own actions.
