A LOT has changed since back in the day when I rode BMX. The tracks are tighter, smoother, and more technical. The bikes are lighter, faster, and more technologically advanced. And the competition is more competitive. But regardless of these changes, one thing has always stayed the same: the adrenaline rush.

After over 2 decades off the bike, I decided that it's time to return to BMX. While I'm mainly in it for my health and for fun, I'm also excited about competing with other old-schoolers in my age group. I'm so glad to see how diverse this sport has become over the years. It used to be mostly a youth sport, but now people of all ages participate in BMX. It's even an Olympic sport now! :D

I thought I would be a bit too old for this sport, or in over my head since I'm not the most athletic person in the world, but after really looking into how the sport has evolved, and talking with many people currently active in BMX, I've come to find that not only are there people from all skill levels competing, there are also people from all ages. From 5 years old all the way up to 70+, people of all ages are competing and enjoying the sport of BMX racing.

With this new found confidence, I hope to make many new friends, learn some new BMX skills, maybe win a few trophies, and ultimately, feel healthy and strong as I embark on this old, but new adventure in BMX racing.

I'll see you on the track!! Cheers!! :D