I traveled to Louisville on Friday January 27th to compete in my first ever bmx race. I had no experience on a bmx track and had never competed before but my friend Derrick Malone of Bluegrass BMX thought my experience racing mountain bikes and motocross would get me through the day. I was as nervous as anyone could ever be, this would be my first ever gate start. 

The first moto of the day and I lined up wearing jeans, a flannel shirt, and my thin vest because I had to rock my Motorhead patch. I looked out of place as I nervously tried to balance in the gate and dabbing my foot just seconds before it dropped. I came out of the gate in what felt like last place, I have yet to see the video but in turn one I passed two of the racers in our group, in turn two I made the pass on the next rider which put me in 2nd place and I was able to hold on for the main.

In the main event I was able to maintain my composure and balance in the gate getting what felt like a better start. I came out in 3rd and made my pass to 2nd in the first turn. I thought I could atleast narrow the gap between me and the guy in 1st but I lost some speed on a bobble and lost my confidence on a mistake. I almost gave up my 2nd place position in the final turn by losing my confidence and motivation but held out for a 2nd place finish overall. 

All in all, I think I have found a sport that I love, I can enjoy, and it won't burden my family with big expenses and hours of training each day.