What is a home track? As a rider & parent, i would consider a home track(within 5-15 miles) from a residence like a baseball field would be typically as your county/parish sports facility. So, without a local county track you're just a gypsy BMX traveler. Another scenario that keeps a rider from establishing a Home Track even it is the closest track would be the schedule for that track, facilities (bathrooms & concessions), your child likes visiting another track due to their race program, National or Regional Events, or simply the enjoyment of that track. Recently, my son Zach just wants to visit different tracks. Essentially your so called "Home Track" range is now 80-100+ miles. So, what is a rider/parent to do? Drive to a track that fits your schedule, race program, points possible, costs or proximity to another track(for a double race day). Since Gasoline has been below $2.50 a gallon from mid 2015 through 2016 traveling would be easy to go any track based on all the tracks in your driving range. Until your county takes charge and builds a BMX track, look forward to either traveling the track circuits or simply sticking with the one closest track with albeit odd schedule. The BMX'er without a Home track, The Home Track without a BMX'er.