So, I'm Back! Not that anyone would know or care, lol, but after an apporoximate 30 year hiatus I've made my triumphant comeback to the track! I dont use the word "triumphant" because I win, but because I finish! I just turned 42 this year and my son is now interested in the sport at the age of 10. I couldnt be happier to take him out to our local track (Burdette Park BMX!!!) here in southern Indiana. the 1st trip to the track brought back a flood of memories. Not that i had been missing it, I mean, I did when I first stopped racing... but 30 yrs, and a ton of wieght had made me not even think about fun such as this. Well, this last year I've lost 125lbs (and counting) and on my 2nd trip to the track, thanks to some older guys rout racing (one in particular, that even provided the bike!)... the next thing I knew I was flying down the track!!! Anyone thats ever raced Burdette, you know its all downhill, and pretty fast! Faster than I remembered! It was fantastic!!! It was freeing!!!! It was like I was 12 years again!!! 

While I wish the 12 year old feeling lasted longer than the adrenalin... its still the best feeling ever, (even the next day when i'm sore!) Riding down a BMX track, my son next to me, with my wife and daughter screaming "PEDAL!!!!!" at the top of their lungs. I struggle to make the podium most races (most, I have a few trophies though!!!) but wouldnt trade any of it for the world!!!