2022 new year, new bike, upping the goals. I want to race the State circuit and the Gold cup series along with defending the #1 plate in district. Started the year out in the Silver Dollar Nationals racing Friday and Saturday. First race in 40 yrs on a 20 inch in 51 & over Intermediate. Friday night I made it to the semi mains in Intermediate and ran 4th in 56 - 60 cruiser. Saturday in 51 Intermediate I won the main for my first national win in Intermediate and first win with the new bike. I ran third in cruiser. On to Goodyear for a state race. Ran one lap in both classes and got rained out, bummer. On to Phoenix for another state race. Wrecked in practice broke a collarbone. Big bummer! I had surgery and out for six weeks at least.